也許你會以為教這麼多人的一班會很難管理他們的跌序,事實上卻是易得太的事.當你走入課室,他們便會自動起立並敬禮:「Good morning/Good day Madam」.當有人不專心或嘈吵時而我停止發言時,其他人便會阻止說:「Stop noise! Listen to Madam!」,然後他們便會靜下來.當收集功課時,有人會主動幫忙整理.當我發問時,他們會很勇躍地舉手回答,當某人答錯時,知道答案的便會立即舉手,希望我會選他們回答問題呢!
This is Chin. Your blog is so interesting. Please continue to update !
回覆刪除Can you take some photos of the surrounding area - the place you work and live in ?
I would love to try to do so when there is good internet connection.
回覆刪除You could find some picture in some of entries =]
well indeed, this will not happen in HK for sure! something that we should reflect regarding our child development education in kindergarten.