
Shi Song hospital and water fall

Shi Song Hospital is one of the best hospitals in Cameroon and many people from Douala, the largest and busiest city in Cameroon, and Yaoudend, the capital city of Cameroon, come to this hospital for surgery.

There is a water fall near the hospital. Although it’s still the dry season and there is not much water, it’s still nice to visit it.

2 則留言:

  1. [Little words of encouragement]

    Hi Pinky,

    I have read your post. The work you are doing appear to be very meaningful, especially after I have read the book - Three Cups of Tea, excactly describing the same kind of story - a American man who build schools for boys and girls in Pakistan in villages which have no access to affordable education. It adds to the fact that girls are not allowed to attend schooling in Pakistan as a Islamic tradition. The process was difficult, sometimes horrifying, but superbly meaningful and satisfying.

    Improvement of life quality does not always bring people happiness. But action as "simple" as building schools in countries like Cameron could pull the most genuine emotions from the people.

    You are doing a very very great job!... for the people! All the best!

    Alvin Chan

  2. Thanks for encouragement, Chan Alvin =]

    Actually not only those children and people here are benefited from what I am doing, but I have also gained a lot personally from this experience =]
