
Women’s Day

8th Mar is the international women’s day and we got celebration here. In the morning, different groups of women gathered in the field and had a marching. It was supposed to begin at 9am but since the Senior Divisional Officer(SDO) was late (basically he never comes on time in any event), it started at around 10:30 instead. After singing the national song, and the speech delivered by SDO and guests, there was marching by different women groups. This is the first time I preformed in a marching!!
Afterwards, almost everyone went to bar and celebrate with their group. We got a huge lunch with chicken and fish with the women from Navti!!!!! =]
By the way, when the SDO was delivering his speech, there was a strong wind with dust and everyone on the stage was suffered! It was so funny and luckily I was waiting for the matching and was not on the stage.

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