School visit4 - Miss Pinky學校考察四之Miss Pinky
I went to G.N.S. Meluf to see the progress of the consultation on 25th Feb. The windows are already done and they have started the ceiling.
The nursery two students had lesson outside the school because of the construction and I played with them. They started to call me Miss Pinky instead of Kimbon, which means white man. I learnt some songs of them and they are interesting!
I am a banana;
Children and monkey
They like to eat me
And they call me yellow!
Labour for learning before you grow old
For learning is better than silver and gold
Silver and gold will vanish away
But learning itself will never decay
For a man without learning wearing good shoes
is just like a silver ring on the pig’s nose.
二月二十五日,再到G.N.S. Meluf 監工.已開始安裝窗了,亦開始安裝天花了.
由於課室正進行工程,幼兒高班的小孩子都於課室外上課.跟他們玩了些遊戲,他們終於都不再叫我Kimbon 而叫我Miss Pinky 了.
About life – public transport 生活篇之公共交通工具
In Kumbo, there are two main public transportations – taxi and motorbike.
Taxi: it is a cheaper and safer transportation. However, you need to wait for more passengers until it is full. The size of the taxi is smaller than the HK one and the definition of full is with 8 people. Imagine how it feels to share the seat with the driver!! Moreover, if you travel for a long distance, people will also bring luggage or maybe a goat.
It is also very hot to travel by bike since the windows will be closed because of dusts.
Motorbike: there is no fix price and therefore you need to bargain for a reasonable price, especially when you are not black. A motorbike can carry three people including the bike driver.
在Kumbo 裡主要有的士及電單車這兩種公共交通工具.
Taxi: it is a cheaper and safer transportation. However, you need to wait for more passengers until it is full. The size of the taxi is smaller than the HK one and the definition of full is with 8 people. Imagine how it feels to share the seat with the driver!! Moreover, if you travel for a long distance, people will also bring luggage or maybe a goat.
It is also very hot to travel by bike since the windows will be closed because of dusts.
Motorbike: there is no fix price and therefore you need to bargain for a reasonable price, especially when you are not black. A motorbike can carry three people including the bike driver.
在Kumbo 裡主要有的士及電單車這兩種公共交通工具.
School Visit 3 - 學校考察三之助教 - Asistant teacher
Visited G.N.S Meluf again today. There is a primary school on the way to the nursery school and the students in the primary school always stare at me when I pass by.
It was break time when I arrived the nursery school. The kids rushed to me and shouted, 'Kimbon! (white man)'. I replied with my smile, 'I am not a Kimbon and my name's Pinky.' A teacher came and said, 'Return back to your seat. She is your teacher!'
The most difficult part to be a nursery teacher is, that you never know if they understand your instruction or not.
今天再到G.N.S. Meluf,到幼兒園的路會經過Meluf小學,小孩子們見到我也定眼地望著我.到了幼兒園,正值休息時間,老師都不在,那兒幼兒低班的小孩子都衝到門前,大叫「Kimbon!Kimbon!(白人)」,我便笑著對他們說:「我不是白人,我的名子是Pinky」.老師走了過來,說:「返回自己的座位!她是你們的老師!」
It was break time when I arrived the nursery school. The kids rushed to me and shouted, 'Kimbon! (white man)'. I replied with my smile, 'I am not a Kimbon and my name's Pinky.' A teacher came and said, 'Return back to your seat. She is your teacher!'
The most difficult part to be a nursery teacher is, that you never know if they understand your instruction or not.
今天再到G.N.S. Meluf,到幼兒園的路會經過Meluf小學,小孩子們見到我也定眼地望著我.到了幼兒園,正值休息時間,老師都不在,那兒幼兒低班的小孩子都衝到門前,大叫「Kimbon!Kimbon!(白人)」,我便笑著對他們說:「我不是白人,我的名子是Pinky」.老師走了過來,說:「返回自己的座位!她是你們的老師!」
Taiwan and China
I didn’t expect to be asked this question: Do you think that Taiwan is part of China?
I was being asked twice, by Natsuki, the Japanese girl living with and a history teacher here. And, ‘Japan government wants Taiwan to be part of China because she did something bad to China in the past and she wants to keep a good relationship with China’ Natsuki said. It is an interesting discovery to me that the Japan government admitted that she did something bad to China in the past!
I was being asked twice, by Natsuki, the Japanese girl living with and a history teacher here. And, ‘Japan government wants Taiwan to be part of China because she did something bad to China in the past and she wants to keep a good relationship with China’ Natsuki said. It is an interesting discovery to me that the Japan government admitted that she did something bad to China in the past!
The youth day
Hong Kong, China 中國香港
Whenever I make new friends, they ask me where I come from. Sometimes I answer HK, sometimes HK China and sometimes China. Once, Jason, the volunteer from Canada, was very surprised when he heard giving the answer of China. He thought that HK people make it clear that HK is different from China.
Actually I am interested to know if people in Macau face the same situation or not. How would they answer the question ‘where are you from’?
By the way, when I and Jason was talking about the issue, a kid living nearby came in. I asked him if he knows where I am from. ‘The next door’, he answered unexpectedly.
Actually, all of us are living on the Earth!
Actually I am interested to know if people in Macau face the same situation or not. How would they answer the question ‘where are you from’?
By the way, when I and Jason was talking about the issue, a kid living nearby came in. I asked him if he knows where I am from. ‘The next door’, he answered unexpectedly.
Actually, all of us are living on the Earth!
How to help 如何幫助
Those kids near by always come to play with me. Sometimes, they help me cook and do house work. I have never felt bored with them! I heard that the family is facing financial problem and Nat buys food for the youngest girl sometimes. The fact that they have only one meal a day while I am having three full meals makes me feel sorry about them. However, I do not feel good in giving them money nor food as I do not want them to reply on me or other volunteers. A few days ago, a kid said that she wants to be a doctor but science subjects are too difficult for them and this inspired me to think of another way to help them – providing free tutoring! Hope that it does help them!
住在鄰近的家庭,那些小孩子都很可愛,有時他們會來幫忙煮飯切菜、洗衫,有時他們會來我家玩,陪我解悶.他們正面對經濟問題,有時奈月會買食物給那位最小的女孩.當我每天吃飽飽的三餐,有時還會再買些小食時,他們每天只有一餐半餐,心內也不是味兒.但我又不太想經常接濟他們,畢竟我資金有限,而且我不希望他們依賴義工的幫助呢.有次,一位小孩說他想當醫生,但理科科目都太深了,這使我找到了另一種幫助他們的方法──替他們補習! 希望這能多少幫到他們呢.
住在鄰近的家庭,那些小孩子都很可愛,有時他們會來幫忙煮飯切菜、洗衫,有時他們會來我家玩,陪我解悶.他們正面對經濟問題,有時奈月會買食物給那位最小的女孩.當我每天吃飽飽的三餐,有時還會再買些小食時,他們每天只有一餐半餐,心內也不是味兒.但我又不太想經常接濟他們,畢竟我資金有限,而且我不希望他們依賴義工的幫助呢.有次,一位小孩說他想當醫生,但理科科目都太深了,這使我找到了另一種幫助他們的方法──替他們補習! 希望這能多少幫到他們呢.
About the project 學校考察
With the reason that we do not have enough donations, we would like to change the target school to Government Nursery School Meluf, which needs less amount to finish the construction.The school got another amount of donations in 2008 but it is not enough for them to complete the school. After the school interview, I found that they also need a toilet. However, the amount of money we have is only enough for the two classrooms.If you would like to support this project, please make your donation to the HSBC bank account: 168 736296 002 and send an email to pinky.navtifoundation@gmail.com to notify me the amount you have deposited.
學校考察由於資金有限,跟Navti foundation 的主席討論後,我們改了資助的學校.現在我們幫助的學校名為Government Nursery School Meluf.是一所幼兒園.於2008年,這所學校籌了一些錢來重建,可惜資金只足夠購買磚頭、屋頂及門,他們需要資金來興建天花板、窗、水泥牆及地板.雖然我有的資金還不太足夠,我跟Joseph 現正想辦以更低的價錢買到足夠的材料來完成這所學校!二月八日,我到這所學校考察.我認為他們還需要建一個?所呢,現在小朋友都是在屋後的草地如?,可惜我籌的錢都不足夠.若果你還希望捐助這個計劃,請把善款存入我們的銀行戶口:(匯豐銀行) 168 736296 002 ── 戶口名稱:Navti Foundation HK.然後請發電郵到: pinky.navtifoundation@gmail.com.我便會把錢匯到這兒.
學校考察由於資金有限,跟Navti foundation 的主席討論後,我們改了資助的學校.現在我們幫助的學校名為Government Nursery School Meluf.是一所幼兒園.於2008年,這所學校籌了一些錢來重建,可惜資金只足夠購買磚頭、屋頂及門,他們需要資金來興建天花板、窗、水泥牆及地板.雖然我有的資金還不太足夠,我跟Joseph 現正想辦以更低的價錢買到足夠的材料來完成這所學校!二月八日,我到這所學校考察.我認為他們還需要建一個?所呢,現在小朋友都是在屋後的草地如?,可惜我籌的錢都不足夠.若果你還希望捐助這個計劃,請把善款存入我們的銀行戶口:(匯豐銀行) 168 736296 002 ── 戶口名稱:Navti Foundation HK.然後請發電郵到: pinky.navtifoundation@gmail.com.我便會把錢匯到這兒.
在喀麥隆的第一個周未,Navti foundation 的員工—Odette邀請我和奈月(Natsuki)到她的家玩.她的家在Kuvlu,都是在Kumbo 的範圍內(註:前把Kumbo誤寫為Kimbo),由Tobin 到那兒大約要一個半鐘車程.到了那兒,我發現我住的地方已經很先進呢──有石油氣爐、浴室及西式馬桶.先進與落後,只是比較罷了.
在Kumbo 的頭兩天
二月四日的下午六時, 我.終於來到了Kumbo! Kumbo由不同的村落組成, 而我住的村落位於Tobin. 比起市鎮,這兒多了一份親切感.
現在我跟和另一個本義工同住在Navti foundation 的義工居所內,她的名子叫Natsuki. 這兒還有另一個由加拿大來的義工--- Jason, 他住在相鄰的房子裡.
在這兒的第一晚, 我們到了Jason 的房子裡吃晚飯.
吃過早飯後便跟Navti foundation 的員工, Joseph討論未來三個月的工作,由於今天是國家的雙語日,大部份學生也會聚在廣場內,所以不能開始工作,星期一我便會和Joseph到Government Nursery School Meluf進行考察,看看他們有甚麼需要.此然,Joseph 說我可以每星期兩至三天到附近的學校教數學呢.
然後,我便到了廣場,那兒有很多學生,他們一堆堆走到台前,英語學校的學生會以法語發表演說,反之亦然.由於Kumbo 的大部份學校也是英語學校,而我不暗法國,所以也不太明白他們在說些甚麼.在廣場的四周,有許多人在擺賣小食,熱鬧得很!我還看到鄰家的小女孩在擺買冰棒,她把最後的一支冰棒送了給我,然後我們一起走回家.看著她搬著那又大又重的冰箱,我便幫她一起拿回家,二人一起抬那空的冰箱,走這樣長的一段路,我也覺得有點重,早上這個十四歲的小女孩是如何把這滿滿的冰箱抬到廣場的呢?
然後,我跟Natsuki 到附近的餐廳吃午飯,滿滿的一碟飯,加些洋蔥汁,只是300CFA(註:$1 = 60 CFA).然後,我們到另一個叫Bui的村落(in Kumbo),Natsuki 平時是在這兒教書的,而那兒有市集,有食物、衣服鞋、家用品、手工品及各式各樣的東西.我買了一匹布,回到Tobin時找了住在後方的裁縫造一套非洲衣服,星期一便可以取得呢!
在這兒的交通工具有電單車與的士,但人們很少坐的士的,因為這兒大部份的路也沒有鋪上石屎,都是不平坦的沙泥路.順帶一提,Kumbo總是沙塵滾滾的,所以人們見到我,也會說:Welcome to the dusty Kumbo!
在這兒,他們會稱白人為Kimbon,雖然我是黃皮膚,但對他們來說我也是白人呢.遇上不認識的人,他們可能會收取Kimbon 價-貴一些的價錢.
現在我跟和另一個本義工同住在Navti foundation 的義工居所內,她的名子叫Natsuki. 這兒還有另一個由加拿大來的義工--- Jason, 他住在相鄰的房子裡.
在這兒的第一晚, 我們到了Jason 的房子裡吃晚飯.
吃過早飯後便跟Navti foundation 的員工, Joseph討論未來三個月的工作,由於今天是國家的雙語日,大部份學生也會聚在廣場內,所以不能開始工作,星期一我便會和Joseph到Government Nursery School Meluf進行考察,看看他們有甚麼需要.此然,Joseph 說我可以每星期兩至三天到附近的學校教數學呢.
然後,我便到了廣場,那兒有很多學生,他們一堆堆走到台前,英語學校的學生會以法語發表演說,反之亦然.由於Kumbo 的大部份學校也是英語學校,而我不暗法國,所以也不太明白他們在說些甚麼.在廣場的四周,有許多人在擺賣小食,熱鬧得很!我還看到鄰家的小女孩在擺買冰棒,她把最後的一支冰棒送了給我,然後我們一起走回家.看著她搬著那又大又重的冰箱,我便幫她一起拿回家,二人一起抬那空的冰箱,走這樣長的一段路,我也覺得有點重,早上這個十四歲的小女孩是如何把這滿滿的冰箱抬到廣場的呢?
然後,我跟Natsuki 到附近的餐廳吃午飯,滿滿的一碟飯,加些洋蔥汁,只是300CFA(註:$1 = 60 CFA).然後,我們到另一個叫Bui的村落(in Kumbo),Natsuki 平時是在這兒教書的,而那兒有市集,有食物、衣服鞋、家用品、手工品及各式各樣的東西.我買了一匹布,回到Tobin時找了住在後方的裁縫造一套非洲衣服,星期一便可以取得呢!
在這兒的交通工具有電單車與的士,但人們很少坐的士的,因為這兒大部份的路也沒有鋪上石屎,都是不平坦的沙泥路.順帶一提,Kumbo總是沙塵滾滾的,所以人們見到我,也會說:Welcome to the dusty Kumbo!
在這兒,他們會稱白人為Kimbon,雖然我是黃皮膚,但對他們來說我也是白人呢.遇上不認識的人,他們可能會收取Kimbon 價-貴一些的價錢.
On the way to Kumbo
After 6.5 hours on the bus, I'm currently in Bamenda and waiting for the bus to Kambo. It will take another 3-4 hours. The temperature is so different in Douala and Bemenda, it was very cold yesterday night, in Bamenda. It's warmer now but still cold. I heard that it will be even colder in Kumbo! Hopefully it won't be that cold during the whole day - I don't have enough warm clothes.
1st day in Cameroon
After 21 hours, I'm in Cameroon finally. I got the member committee president of AIESEC in Cameroon, Eric, and a member from Navti foundation Cameroon, Marcel, to pick me up from the airport. I'm currently staying in Marcel's friend's family in Douala, the city where the airport is located, for a few hours. Afterwards, I will take another 10 hours to Kumbo, the town where the school is, at around 10pm (it is 7 hours earlier than HK here)
There are 7 chirden in the family and half of them are working. The youngest son is still in primary school. They looked very delighted when I said that it's okay to have African food. I did expect to get into the culture.
The meal inculded rice, fish with tomato (similar to HK) and a white thing, which I've tried in Uganda last year. The rice and fish tasted good while the white thing made by corn flour, which tasted weird to me, was sweet and powder-like. The mother of the family said that there will be lots of that white thing in Kambo. Hopefully they have something else. Otherwise I have to get used to it as soon as possible.
While they saw me visiting HK websites (Chinese words are able to be displaced here!), one of the daughters, who is at the same age with me, asked if I could teach her some Chinese. I showed her my name and the word "hello" (nei ho) in Chinese.
They speak French/local English to each other and English to me.
I will try to upload some photos after arriving at Kumbo.
There are 7 chirden in the family and half of them are working. The youngest son is still in primary school. They looked very delighted when I said that it's okay to have African food. I did expect to get into the culture.
The meal inculded rice, fish with tomato (similar to HK) and a white thing, which I've tried in Uganda last year. The rice and fish tasted good while the white thing made by corn flour, which tasted weird to me, was sweet and powder-like. The mother of the family said that there will be lots of that white thing in Kambo. Hopefully they have something else. Otherwise I have to get used to it as soon as possible.
While they saw me visiting HK websites (Chinese words are able to be displaced here!), one of the daughters, who is at the same age with me, asked if I could teach her some Chinese. I showed her my name and the word "hello" (nei ho) in Chinese.
They speak French/local English to each other and English to me.
I will try to upload some photos after arriving at Kumbo.
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