
About the project 學校考察

With the reason that we do not have enough donations, we would like to change the target school to Government Nursery School Meluf, which needs less amount to finish the construction.The school got another amount of donations in 2008 but it is not enough for them to complete the school. After the school interview, I found that they also need a toilet. However, the amount of money we have is only enough for the two classrooms.If you would like to support this project, please make your donation to the HSBC bank account: 168 736296 002 and send an email to pinky.navtifoundation@gmail.com to notify me the amount you have deposited.

學校考察由於資金有限,跟Navti foundation 的主席討論後,我們改了資助的學校.現在我們幫助的學校名為Government Nursery School Meluf.是一所幼兒園.於2008年,這所學校籌了一些錢來重建,可惜資金只足夠購買磚頭、屋頂及門,他們需要資金來興建天花板、窗、水泥牆及地板.雖然我有的資金還不太足夠,我跟Joseph 現正想辦以更低的價錢買到足夠的材料來完成這所學校!二月八日,我到這所學校考察.我認為他們還需要建一個?所呢,現在小朋友都是在屋後的草地如?,可惜我籌的錢都不足夠.若果你還希望捐助這個計劃,請把善款存入我們的銀行戶口:(匯豐銀行) 168 736296 002 ── 戶口名稱:Navti Foundation HK.然後請發電郵到: pinky.navtifoundation@gmail.com.我便會把錢匯到這兒.

