
School visit4 - Miss Pinky學校考察四之Miss Pinky

I went to G.N.S. Meluf to see the progress of the consultation on 25th Feb. The windows are already done and they have started the ceiling.
The nursery two students had lesson outside the school because of the construction and I played with them. They started to call me Miss Pinky instead of Kimbon, which means white man. I learnt some songs of them and they are interesting!
I am a banana;
Children and monkey
They like to eat me
And they call me yellow!
Labour for learning before you grow old
For learning is better than silver and gold
Silver and gold will vanish away
But learning itself will never decay
For a man without learning wearing good shoes
is just like a silver ring on the pig’s nose.

二月二十五日,再到G.N.S. Meluf 監工.已開始安裝窗了,亦開始安裝天花了.
由於課室正進行工程,幼兒高班的小孩子都於課室外上課.跟他們玩了些遊戲,他們終於都不再叫我Kimbon 而叫我Miss Pinky 了.

2 則留言:

  1. Miss Pinky!!
    It's encouraging to see your sharing posts :)
    Add oil and all the best for the remaining of the trip!!!

